Who Can Benefit

Title image for Who Can Benefit page

Children Who Can Benefit

Children who evidence one or more of the following can benefit from our program:

  • have little interest or pride in school work
  • are bright, but unable to learn through standard teaching practices used in most schools
  • have difficulty following classroom instructions
  • aspire to excellence in basic reading, math or writing skills
  • lack study or thinking skills
  • lack self confidence when doing school work
  • are not performing at ability level
  • have difficulty applying skills and knowledge
  • doubt their own ability
  • have special learning needs
  • have difficulty remembering what has been taught
  • are unresponsive to standard educational techniques
  • have difficulty grasping or retaining basic skills
  • cannot form an orderly thought sequence, and
  • consistently show poor grades

Parents Who Can Benefit

Our program can benefit parents who have concerns about their child and desire:

  • to be assured their child is reaching his/her potential
  • to participate in decision-making regarding their child’s education
  • to have early readiness for their preschool child
  • to have early intervention to prevent later difficulties, and training on how to work with their child          

If you would like to order any of our curriculum training materials, please click HERE